Snow, ice and freezing temperatures hit many parts from late fall in the US to early spring, inflicting damage to homes and businesses alike. The good news is business owners, with the help of a public adjuster can safeguard their businesses from many types of winter damage.
Water Damage
Frozen water pipes can cause catastrophic damage. This may happen if your furnace breaks down or your business property is improperly insulated. One broken pipe may spill up to 480 gallons of water in just 60 minutes. If a pipe bursts or freezes, the pooled water may cause thousands of dollars in damage and, if it is not stopped quickly once, may cause mould to grow and other problems throughout the property. It's crucial to realize that there could not be coverage for damage caused by them if you didn't take any efforts to keep your workplace warm or drain your plumbing systems.
Damage Due to Fire
People are compelled to utilize fireplaces, portable heaters, furnaces, and overburdened electricity systems throughout the winter. The possibility that these systems will start a home fire can be reduced with routine maintenance. The weight of the ice and snow, frozen pipes, ice damming, and home fires often constitute the majority of winter storm damage that we witness. If you had any kind of loss this winter, you should talk to a knowledgeable insurance adjuster about the damage.
Your first challenge as a small- to medium-sized business owner is awareness. It is crucial to understand that before you can take steps to reduce risks, you will first need to be aware of what they are, an insurance adjuster can help you with that.
Crime During Winter
Let’s not forget crime. Your building project was halted for over a week by heavy snow. Even though you had gated the area and secured the storage building's entrances, robbers were still able to enter. In the course of stealing many barrels of priceless materials, they also caused damage to a portion of the building.
Vandalism, burglary, theft, employee dishonesty, trespassing, and other crimes are all common during the winter. However, while the incidence of commercial crime claims only slightly increases (0.6%) during the winter, the sorts of crimes perpetrated differ considerably from other months.
Construction sites could go days or even weeks neglected if it snows a lot. The same holds true for workplaces that permit remote work during a blizzard. It is important here to note that nearly 50% of winter insurance claims are related to crime and winter damage.
If you are looking for an experienced public adjuster for commercial claims after property damage, then call the team at Affiliated Adjustment Group today.