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How You Can Act On a Bad Faith Insurance Claim

Bad Faith Insurance Claim - Affiliated Adjustment Group - NYC

Bad faith insurance claim refers to claiming insurance benefits when a company uses deceptive ways to pay out as little as possible to their clients. Some insurance providers treat their clients with bad faith, withholding the benefits they are promised in the first place. When it is your time to file for claims, they try to strip some benefits to minimize the coverage expense. This read will guide you on how to act on a bad-faith insurance claim with the help of a public adjuster.

Establishing Bad Faith Claims

When aiming to prove bad faith claims, you must prove two things.

  1. The first proof is regarding your benefits being withheld. It implies that the insurance company deliberately tried to offer you fewer benefits than claimed in the first place.

  2. The second proof concerns your insurance provider's reasons for withholding the benefits. You can establish their bad faith by proving that the insurance company relied on unreasonable factors for not offering the benefits.

Understanding Bad Faith Insurance Claims

Before filing for commercial claims or property damage with the help of an insurance adjuster, you may thoroughly understand what constitutes bad faith. For your ease, we have covered some factors below to help you understand.

  • If the insurance provider looks only for proof to justify their basis for denying your claim, they can be challenged for bad faith.

  • If the insurance company overlooks the supporting evidence that favors your claims, they can be challenged for bad faith.

  • If the insurance provider fails to respond promptly to your request when filing for insurance loss recovery, they can be challenged against it.

  • Failing to provide an adequate explanation or conducting a thorough investigation of your claims.

  • Making payments without including a statement to indicate the payment’s coverage status.

  • Wrongful threats for not paying claims.

  • Mistreating you or your representatives or treating them as adversaries.

  • Changing your insurance coverage policy without your knowledge or consent.

How to Claim Bad Faith Insurance?

If your insurance company is mistreating you or does not provide you with the claimed benefits, you can seek help from a public adjuster. They can help you prepare the documentation to challenge the company’s claims and receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. Affiliated Adjustment Group can help you get the best representation for coverage claims. Get in touch with us today to discuss your case.

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